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Learn how to make more money

By selling the #1 numbing cream on the market

Dr. Numb® is an OTC (Over-the-Counter) Topical Anesthetic Cream (commonly known as numbing cream) that contains 5% lidocaine. It produces temporary numbness or loss of sensation of the skin and its surrounding tissues after its application. It is primarily used for the relief of pain associated with skin conditions and dermal procedures.

Learn How to make more money with Dr. Numb- For professionals who do Electrolysis, Hair Removal, Laser Treatments, Microblading, Microdermabrasion, Permanent Makeup, Piercing, Tattoo, Waxing

One of the very first questions every client asks is, “how do I prevent pain during waxing.” Easy. Numbing cream. 


Then they follow up with “which is the best one in the industry?” Easy. Dr. Numb. For all my first-time clients, I apply a numbing cream to the area to take the sting out of the wax. No wax service is ever 100% painless, but at least using numbing cream, you can make it more bearable. 


Numbing cream is an easy upsell for anyone in the waxing industry. You can offer it to every client when they are booking their appointment. 


5 Tubes of Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic Anorectal Cream, Lidocaine 5%

Offer it as a one-time application and apply it to each client at the beginning of their waxing appointment. (This is an easy $5 upgrade)Or you can sell the entire tube so they can apply it before coming for a better effect. 


Either way, it’s a great retail item and is guaranteed to make you a little more cash.

Stop The Pain Now- Make more money in your wax business selling DR. numb

Dr. Numb is perfect for anyone who offers. Dermal Fillers, Electrolysis, Hair Removal, Laser Treatments, Microblading, Microdermabrasion, Microneedling, Mole Removal, Permanent Makeup, Piercing, Spider Vein Removal, Tattoo, Tattoo Removal, Waxing.

Learn How to make more money with Dr. Numb- For professionals who do Electrolysis, Hair Removal, Laser Treatments, Microblading, Microdermabrasion, Permanent Makeup, Piercing, Tattoo, WaxingWhy your clients will love it:

It’s non-invasive and hypoallergenic.

Rapid onset of action (10-15 mins).

Duration of action lasts up to 4 hours.

It may be reapplied to prolong the numbness as necessary.

It does not irritate tissues and nerves.

It contains Vitamin E for faster skin recovery.

Applicable to all skin types.

How to make more money with Dr. Numb

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