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8 easy ways to prevent no-show clients


How many no-shows do you have in a week? 3 or 4? Don’t you think that is 3 or 4 too many? 



In this day and age, there is no reason that someone can not give you the courtesy to call, text or email to let you know that they will not make their appointment. So why do they still miss appointments? And how do you prevent no-show clients?

8 way to prevent no show clients


Some clients don’t understand that you are not getting paid when they are not sitting in your chair or on your bed. That is why we must communicate with clients about respecting our time. This can be uncomfortable, but it still needs to happen. So how do you do this?



8 easy ways to prevent no-show clients

Start right from the beginning when you’re opening your business; then, it will be much easier to implement. If you are just implementing a policy, getting your clients used to some ideas will take some time. There are also subtle ways that you can communicate with your clients about your policy.


Cancellation poster for salons and spas.
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•When booking an appointment, collect credit card information or a deposit for services. Remind clients that you will follow your cancellation policy if they fail to show that.



•Have a notice right on your business card. Keep it simple and to the point.



State your policy on your till receipt. State it in bold right under your business contact information.



• Always state your cancellation policy when you book your clients by telephone or online. There is nothing wrong with reminding new and returning clients of your policy.

A beautiful cancellation poster for your salon or spa
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• Post a notice at your till or station. You can purchase an inexpensive poster on Zazzle



•When sending out your email promotions, add a little blurb at the bottom, reminding clients of your policy. 


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•Have your policy posted on your social media accounts, website, and price lists. Even a simple reminder that you have a cancellation policy can remind your clients to respect it.



•Set your online scheduling up to send out automatic appointment reminders. Make sure your policy is clearly stated in the reminder.



So what happens after a client doesn’t show up?


That’s up to you. I consider each situation.



Did the client call one hour before saying she couldn’t leave the toilet? Did she call 6 hours before and explain that her child is throwing up? Or did the client just not show up altogether with no phone call or notice?

Design your own cancelation poster for your salon or spa
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In my case, no-shows happen rarely, but when they do, I give the client a call. I think about what I would feel like in the client’s situation. I charge the fee if it’s “Oh, I just forgot,” and it’s a consistent problem with that client.



But I usually let it slide if it’s a real-life situation and has never happened before with that client.  I send out a notification to the client that they failed to follow the policy. I give them the option to pay with their credit card or cash.


Cancelation notice for salon or spa

If you set yourself up at the beginning with a firm policy and an appointment reminder system, you shouldn’t really have to worry about no-shows. Good luck!



Invest in your business today. We have a variety of cancellation notices, plaques and posters available for sale in our store. All of the notices can be customized!



*Tip Don’t forget to check the spelling on the signs you put up.  Different countries have different ways to spell cancelling. 


Nails Magazine


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